Our Beginnings
The story of our church began many years ago on the Day of Pentecost,
when we were richly and miraculously blessed by the Holy Spirit coming to us.
We believe God told us that He was going to build His Church with us.
As human beings we are weak, but over the years we have watched God
faithfully fulfil this promise through the power of His Holy Spirit.
We have been taught that what Jesus told His followers to do, we must
do; that love for mankind and sacrifice are at the centre of the Good
News of Jesus Christ.
As Jesus said to Nicodemus, in order to see the Kingdom of God, we
must be born again and this we know is through His death on the cross
and we must be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to live a new life
for Him. This new life is a glorious adventure of learning about
Jesus in an ever deepening and beautiful relationship with Him, and is
for everyone who turns to Him.
To be the true children of God, we must be one family, serving one
another and all those we meet; through love for one another we can
show the depth of our love for God.
Everyone is welcome at our church and warmly invited to share with us
in worshipping our Lord Jesus, and learning more and more about Him.
We long that our Father in Heaven looks down on us with a smile and
says this is truly the way to be His Church.
The Pastoral Work of the Church
We believe that we should follow the example of Jesus’ life, a life
steeped in love and care for the whole world.
Our church seeks to look after anyone we can help; whilst this is the
mission of the whole church, we also have a dedicated team of people,
who under the leadership of the church, regularly visit the sick,
elderly, housebound, bereaved and others in need in their own homes
but also those in hospital and residential care.
We want all to know God’s love for them; our visits may include
worship, prayer and sharing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We
also offer practical help and support where we can.
In addition, for anyone who is in need, we have a food bank operated
by the church.
For further information please contact The Vine Fellowship on 01706 374074,
mobile 07712629806